Project Description: Zambia - PPP Rapid Support Framework
The World Bank Group – PPIAF has designed a new Rapid Support Framework activity that expands from the scope of the previous Rapid Needs Assessments. This RSF offering will assess PPP institutions and project pipelines in selected countries based on request from those countries, with business cases for one to two pilot projects developed in the final stage of the assessments. The pilot projects shall be from transport, energy and water sectors. XS-Axis Consulting as a consortium partner with leading firm Genesis Analytics was chosen for the World Bank’s first Task Order under PPIAF Framework Agreement to conduct a Rapid Framework Assessment in Zambia.
The assignment aims at improve PPP framework for the Republic of Zambia, and the scope of work includes:
- Phase 1: Review the existing laws, policies, regulations covering PPPs, as well as sector-specific legislation;
- Assess structure of existing PPP institutions (if applicable) and identify need for changes to current institutional structure or establishment of new institutions to implement PPP program;
- Phase 2: Review of project pipelines, including review of existing PPP pipelines if applicable,
- Prioritization of project pipeline, including recommending 2-3 pilot projects.
1.Phase 1 on Assessment of PPP Readiness:
a. High-level assessment of PPP Environment: conducting initial desk-based research, followed by in-depth consultations with stakeholders
b. Detailed analysis of PPP readiness and gaps and action plan: outlining key gaps in the country’s framework, covering all eight key areas of focus, proving recommendations and an actiona plan for the Government on how to improve the PPP environment.
2. Phase 2 on Project Pipeline Screening:
a. High-level assessment of potential infrastructure and PPP projects: drawing up a long-list of potential infrastructure projects, carrying out a high-level assessment of each project.
b. Development of a pipeline of potential infrastructure and PPP projects: developing a final project pipeline, conducting a priority matrix with rankings and rationale for the prioritization and final short-listings